221 Simpson Park Rd, Shelby, NC 28150

Shelby NC Dentist for Kids Shares How Dental Sealants Help Prevent Cavities

The population of the U.S. has several dietary options, with sugary and processed foods available in stores. Our local pediatric dentist explains the use of dental sealants is one of the most impressive ways of protecting children’s teeth. Our pediatric dentist in Shelby explains dental sealants are a good option for all families to explore.

What are Dental Sealants?

The use of dental sealants is one of the most popular and impressive ways of protecting children from cavities. The first dental sealants were administered in the 1960s and have been in use ever since to protect children from developing cavities. Dental sealants are a thin layer of plastic applied to the back teeth, which are the most commonly affected by cavities. Our local pediatric dentist explains the use of dental sealants has been shown to limit the production of cavities, but less than half of school-age children have dental sealants.

How do Sealants Work?

Families consistently look to complete preventative dental work, such as regular checkups, brushing, and flossing. The use of sealants can be viewed as a form of preventative dental work because they have the ability to limit the onset of tooth decay. Sealants act as a form of protection between the teeth and the decay-causing bacteria in every mouth.

Are Sealants Safe?

Dental sealants are among the safest forms of preventative treatments. Our pediatric dentist in Shelby explains sealants have no known side effects. Our local pediatric dentist reports there have been no reported issues with dental sealants, despite over half-a-century of use.

If you are concerned about tooth decay in your children, call our office to schedule an appointment today.
