221 Simpson Park Rd, Shelby, NC 28150

What Are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are used to help keep the remaining teeth in their proper place. Your child’s dentist may recommend pediatric teeth retainers if your child prematurely loses their tooth. A child can lose a tooth due to things like decay or accidents. Additionally, a dentist may have to extract a baby tooth.

Why Retainers for Kids Are Necessary

A local dentist for kids may recommend space maintainers because dental issues can result if a tooth is missing. The remaining teeth may start to shift to fill the space. This can result in crowding. It can also affect chewing and speech problems. Additionally, the remaining teeth may become crooked. Your child will need orthodontic treatment if their teeth are crooked.

How Retainers for Kids Are Used

There are several types of space maintainers available. Your child’s dentist will customize a treatment plan and determine which type of maintainer is right. They will take an impression of your child’s teeth. The space maintainers will be made in a lab. After the appliance is ready, it will be placed. The maintainers may have to stay in place for several years.

If you are interested in getting pediatric teeth retainers, then you will need to contact us today and schedule an appointment.